Plant Your Heart at

Emerald Maldives

Plants are fundamental in the forming of a healthy and rich, bio diverse ecosystem as they form the base of food chains. Through photosynthesis, plants collect the energy of the sun, delivering both food and habitat for other organisms. Due to climate change, invasion of alien species, pollution and habitat change, island biodiversity across the world has been put in jeopardy. Small islands in particular, are the most vulnerable and the Maldives is one of these.

In the central area of the Lakshadweep-Maldives-Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, is where the Maldives forms most of its biodiversity. The chain of 26 atolls lies on the top of a 1600 km long submarine mountain display with underwater gardens and coral reefs. These are home to hundreds of species that range in size, color and shape. Tall trees such as Ficus, Casuarina and Coconut are also very usual in most of the islands. While mangrove trees are very common in most of the northern islands a secondary species known as Scaevola, is mostly seen in some of the agriculture islands.

For nature lovers, the Maldives is the perfect place to visit, as it is full of common and unusual species and this diversity also contributes to the existing of different species of animals as on land and as well in the ocean. A paradisiac place to spend your vacation and the perfect location to create special memories to keep for a lifetime.

In addition, Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa highly thinks of nature and worships its continuous growth and preservation.This, as well not only through its design and choice of not invasive materials for the construction of the actual resort, in order to conserve its natural elegance and the original landscape but, as well as a planting initiative in order to help nature evolve and expand. Imagine a tropical escape to an island where not only guests can be pampered in a 5 star Resort but, they can also create undeletable memories through planting a plant and by keeping updated on its growth. A symbol of adventure, love or affection between two people/a family on the island, that reflects the good times and the memories they’ve created from this experience.

The experience starts by choosing the young coconut tree - the resort recommends planting coconut as this is the Maldives national tree and part of the natural flora and, cultivation in the Maldives. In traditional agriculture, taros and some other leafy vegetables are the main indigenous crops cultivated. The Maldivians usually keep hold of a small area of the forest in a portion of the populated islands. These forests act as bio-shields that help conserve the local biodiversity and provide ecosystem services to the islanders. The Locals cultivate a huge selection of crops in their farms such as chilly, sweet potato, pineapple, sugarcane, almond, moringa, millet, corn, breadfruit, mango, papaya, banana, pumpkins, watermelon, taro, areca nut and pepper, majority of which were introduced from other countries. Some species were also introduced for gardening purposes and this also makes the Maldivian flora rich in exotic species.

The coconut palm is considered a useful tree, as there is no waste. Not only provides food, water and fiber, its oil can also be used for cooking or in the making of margarine. It can be processed into soap, detergents, cosmetics, shampoo and as well as an household utensils. Coconut palm has also been used as medicine as its roots have diuretic properties, its milk is laxative and antidiarrheal and its oil is used to treat diseased skin and teeth. The coconut fruit is an important source of food for people as it is also fundamental in Maldivian cuisine, its juice is used as a beverage and the ripe coconut is used with dried fish. Leaves are used for branching; its fibers called coir are used for the making of mats, ropes, and bags, while palm wood is carved into ornaments.

Coconut palms are known asautotrophs as they are able to make its own food by using light, water and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Through this process, they are able to produce glucose, which they store as fruit of the plant and the remaining is consumed during respiration. It can thrive on different soils, from coarse sand to clay but grows better on well-drained sandy soils. It tolerates alkaline soil with pH 8 and acid soils with pH 4.5 or higher as well as infertile soils.

Emerald Maldives resort & Spa uses its soil even for internal cultivations as it is fertile. The guests will then start by digging up the soil and inserting a 2-month-old coconut tree that can reach up until a meter in height and that will be covered and nourished with water. During the growth process, the staff at Emerald Maldives will send photos of their tree’s growing process until the coconut is fully grown and updates on how the tree is doing over the course of time. This for the guests to feel bonded to the tree and to the resort, an incentive to come again and see the coconut in all its beauty once it is all grown up. This will not only help tighten the bond between two people or a group of people but will also help the ecosystem preserve itself in all its biodiversity.


Plant your Heart with us and contribute to the Ecosystem

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